Consistency Makes Discipleship Possible

Giving Impact

  • $4/month = 1 child that gets visited at home

  • $10/month = Gets one child a bible

  • $18/month = Visits a child, brings them to our programs for discipleship and gets them a free bible

  • $50/month = 5 bibles for our children OR 6 children who get visited and discipled at our programs

  • $100/month = 10 bibles for our children OR 12 children who get visited and discipled at our programs on our campus

  • $250/month = visits/transports an entire taxi stop to Key of Hope

A Gift For You!

As a thank you, use this one time use string extend your shot on on the golf course!

If you become a monthly partner while you are on the golf course, one of our team members will find you and deliver the string!

Consistency is the Key to Discipleship

After 16 years we are witnessing the compounding effect of discipleship…

Week after week we open our campus to children to play games, sing songs, and hear the Gospel.

Week after week we go to their neighborhoods and visit their homes, hear their story, and encourage them. Many times giving them things they need to physically survive.

This consistency builds relationship and these relationships are the doorway to discipleship.

These children we have been pouring into for all their childhood are now young adults who are reaching the next generation! We are seeing disciples making more disciples.

It’s possible because of people like you

Ministry can be a heart-wrenching grind, week after week and month after month, pouring into the lives of children and their families.

Showing up every week is only possible if we have the means to do so. We reach thousands of children requiring vehicles, fuel, and staff.

That is why we see our monthly partners as part of the team. It is those who give month after month that unlock the possibility of discipleship.

Would you consider becoming a monthly partner today?

You hold the Key

Thank You Gift

"Simunye," a Zulu word meaning "we are one," embodies the spirit of togetherness and solidarity. At Key of Hope, we celebrate this unity by offering a Simunye gift to those who decide to support us monthly. These exclusive gift serves as a token of our gratitude of our shared commitment to disciple children in Africa.

Join us in unlocking hope—become a monthly partner today.